A privately owned company that owns an unique HPQ deposit
Placements Appalache Ltée (1966)/ Investments Appalache Ltd. (1966) (PAL) is a privately owned Canadian company, established in the province of Québec since 1966. The company has the exclusive mining rights over the HPQ deposit on the bank of the St-Lawrence gulf, situated at Baie-Johan-Beetz (QC).
In the Canadian mining industry since more than 50 years, PAL Quartz has developed a precise and unique expertise over the Canadian quartz market.
« Our father founded the company 50 year ago. He forecasted the raise of quartz as the future of industrial smart mineral. »
A history written in quartz!

In 1966 Pal Quartz was founded by late Raymond A. Marleau M.SC., D.Sc., Geologist, specialized in mineral economics, which was one of the leading global geological researcher for light metals (Si, Mg, Al) and for applied scientific research and development (R&D).The surface quartz (Si - smart mineral) deposit of Baie-Johan-Beetz is entered into the fold of PAL in 1977. The geologist had assessed back then the possibilities of exploitation of the deposit. Then he began in the 1980s interacting with different buyers and producers of quartz ore and Si Metal worldwide (Spain, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, China) throughout his career.
As a true visionary, he has chosen to postpone its project assuming, among other things, an increase in demand of Si Metal and its numerous qualities and an increase in market values while expecting a decrease in production costs and an improvement of the techniques. In addition, accessibility to the deposit was possible only by sea while today, a provincial highway is in place since 1995 at only 750 m from the deposit.
Today the relevance of having postponing the project proves the right decision in regards of the markets, needs and price, as well as new manufacturing processes.

Baie-Johan-Beetz’s deposit :
the real Quebec gem!
Located at Baie-Johan-Beetz on the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, our deposit has 54,22ha of a high-grade of SiO² content and very low impurity of FeO, B (0,2ppm) and P (0,2ppm). Adjacent and east of the deposit, we acquired 4 claims for an additional 141,26ha. Also the deposit is suitable for an open pit extraction method for the quarry.